What is Integrative Medicine?

Integrative Health is alternative approach to health and wellness by bringing conventional and complementary approaches together in a coordinated way. Integrative health takes into account lifestyle habits and focuses on the whole person instead of just a single organ system. Many focus on just the physical symptoms in healthcare. While this is necessary,  we also need to take into consideration nutrition, movement or exercise, stress management, and relationships. These are all essential components to promote health and overall wellness.

Our goal is to reverse chronic disease conditions and improve the overall well-being of our patients through taking a whole systems approach. We dig down and get to the root cause of the problem instead of managing symptoms with medications.

We focus on aspects of our lifestyle that drive health.

Nutrition: Are we fueling our body appropriately and giving it what it really needs to thrive. Are we putting in good whole foods that nourish or are we filling it with refined, processed foods that is causing inflammation and downstream effects.

Exercise: Movement is key to improving motivation, energy levels and overall positive endorphins in the body. Without this, having energy to thrive will be lacking.

Sleep: Getting good quality sleep is KEY. This is the time our body rests, heals and recharges for the next day. If we are not having good quality of sleep, we won’t wake feeling rested and our body won’t function optimally. This can lead to headaches, fatigue syndromes, weight gain, and much more. Sleep is essential to our well-being.

Relationships: Having healthy relationships that lift us up and good boundaries are key elements to maintaining a healthy mindset through positive self-worth, self-discipline and motivation towards your wellness goals.

Stress management: If you do ANYTHING out of these categories, stress management would be it. We all face stressors throughout the day and our life. The key is to keep these stressors low and short-lived. We want to be able to respond appropriately when needed, but we also need the body to calm back down so it can adequately rest, digestion and thrive. Practicing mindfulness and other stress management strategies like going for a walk, reading, yoga, meditation or anything that brings you joy is essential to calming the cortisol levels in the body.

When we have an imbalance in one of these areas, our whole body dynamic can become “out of whack” triggering a cascade of symptoms which overtime can lead to disease. Ensuring that the foundational pieces of health are met is a large part of finding optimal wellness.

At Tru Wellness, we focus on our patients as a whole person, educating and empowering them to bring aspects of wellness into their journey through lifestyle changes. We provide a deep dive into how a lifestyle factor could be affecting their wellness and work together to adapt healthy habits. Each patient is unique so customize treatment approaches that meet their them where they are on their healthcare journey.

Ready to explore your symptoms and discomfort a little more? We’re ready to help.


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Benefits of Vitamin D