5 Things You Can Do to Boost Thyroid Function
Thyroid disease has become an increasingly common issue for many people, especially women. According to the American Thyroid Association, an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease and women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems. When your thyroid is out of balance it affects your whole body and can show up in many different ways. Some common symptoms of people living with thyroid disease are:
Fatigue or lack of energy
GI Distress – unpleasant gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea
Nutrient Deficiencies
Weight gain or inability to lose weight
Hair loss or thinning
Dry skin
Brain fog
Thyroid dysfunction can really disrupt your life and can be challenging to diagnose in a traditional medical setting, especially if your doctor is only looking at your TSH levels. If you have any of these symptoms, you may have undiagnosed thyroid issues.
The good news is that there are some simple diet and lifestyle changes you can make on your own to boost your thyroid function before seeking additional treatment. Even making one small change can get you started on the right track to better thyroid function!
1. Eliminate Food Sensitivities and Inflammatory Foods
Our gut plays an integral part in keeping our whole body healthy and functioning at an optimal level, especially our thyroid. Many people are sensitive to certain foods in their diet and don’t even know it. Food sensitivities cause problems in the way our bodies absorb nutrients and process critical hormones including thyroid hormones. A few of the most common food sensitivities are:
Inflammatory foods such as sugar, alcohol and processed foods can also really hinder our gut health and thyroid function. If you’re dealing with any of the symptoms above, we recommend cutting out gluten, dairy, sugar and processed foods from your diet for two weeks. It can take up to two weeks for gluten and dairy proteins to work their way out of your body so you can start seeing changes in your symptoms. If your symptoms are severe, or you’re having trouble pinpointing your food sensitivities, you can do a full elimination diet, which will give you a more comprehensive view of what foods may be irritating for you. If you’re not ready for a full elimination diet, completing IgG food sensitivity testing is another option. We complete a comprehensive IgG test here at Tru Wellness that covers 96 different foods.
2. Boost Your Nutrients
Along with eliminating potential food sensitivities, it is equally important to ADD IN foods that will support optimal gut health and thyroid function. Consuming a wide variety of healthy foods will ensure that you are supplying your body with enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients for it to function optimally. The following foods are especially important as they supply the building blocks for your body to make thyroid hormone:
Iron-rich foods like spinach, eggs, broccoli, lentils and dried apricots
Healthy proteins like organic chicken breast, wild-caught salmon, beans and lentils
Healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and flax seeds
All the veggies! Choose a wide variety of veggies for the most nutrients
Choosing whole, fresh foods instead of processed foods will also help boost the nutritional value of your meal. Processed foods tend to lose nutrients during processing and also tend to have a lot of additives like salt and preservatives to keep them shelf stable. Shop the outside of the grocery store to find the freshest fruits, veggies and proteins!
3. Prioritize Sleep
Americans are chronically sleep deprived. It’s possible that your brain fog, fatigue and general lack of energy may simply be a symptom of not getting enough sleep! For the next two weeks, make it a priority to get a full 8-10 hours of sleep each night and see if that improves your energy levels. Here are some things that may help you wind down each night and find better rest:
Put down your phone at least one hour before bed. No scrolling to sleep!
Drink some calming tea. Instead of soda, coffee, alcohol or other beverages, switch to a calming tea like chamomile before bed.
Cut down on caffeine. Try not to drink any caffeine after lunch time so you’re not too wired to actually fall asleep
Try relaxing activities such as meditating, journaling, gentle yoga movement or a warm bath to help your body relax and de-stress from the day.
4. Try an Infrared Sauna
Infrared saunas use infrared lamps and electromagnetic radiation to create a focused, penetrating warmth instead of a traditional sauna that uses steam to heat the air around you. Infrared saunas come with a host of health benefits including improving hearth health, soothing sore muscles, increasing relaxation and boosting your immune system. But, they also have benefits for people suffering from thyroid symptoms as well! Infrared saunas can ease symptoms of thyroid disease by:
Simulating your body’s natural detox systems and promoting cell regeneration
Enhancing metabolism and improving energy levels
Rejuvenating skin by sweating out toxins and increasing circulation
Increasing immune function
Promoting relaxation and better sleep
If you’ve never tried an infrared sauna, start out slow and build over time as your body gets used to it. Always make sure to drink enough water after your sauna session and let your body cool down naturally.
5. Switch Up Your Exercise Routine
When you’re struggling to lose weight, it can be tempting to think that you need MORE intense cardio workouts in order to burn more calories. But especially when you’re dealing with thyroid dysfunction and low energy levels, intense cardio can actually be counterproductive. Not only can it be difficult to find the motivation and energy to actually do the workouts, intense workouts can actually raise cortisol levels (a stress hormone that contributes to fat storing and weight gain). While it is still important to get regular exercise, consider switching up your exercise routine by adding in stress-reducing activities like:
Walking or slow jogging
Weight training
These exercises allow your body to get the movement it needs, while promoting relaxation, stress relief and muscle building, which helps aid weight loss and boost metabolism.
When to Seek Professional Help
If you’re seeing no improvement after two weeks of incorporating these diet and lifestyle changes, or if you’re struggling to make changes, it’s time to get help. Your doctor should run a full thyroid panel including:
Free T4 (Inactive thyroid hormone)
Free T3 (Active thyroid hormone)
Reverse T3 (Inactive hormone)
Thyroid Antibodies (TPOAb and TgAB)
These labs will provide a comprehensive picture of your thyroid function and allow your provider to create a plan to get it back on track. Here at Tru Wellness, we focus on whole-body wellness and natural approaches to healing thyroid disfunction. We’ll take the time to explore all areas of your life and find ways to help support you on your path to wellness. Schedule a full thyroid lab panel with Tru Wellness to see where your levels are at. Thyroid testing can be completed from the comfort of your own home or in person at the clinic. Living with thyroid disease can seem like a constant uphill battle, but at Tru Wellness our passion is to help you THRIVE!